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Group Hypnosis: Just for Fun?
by Gaye Wilson, RN, MSN, CCHT

(please note: group is currently inactive)

To begin, we'd like to answer the question posed in the title of this article: And the answer is: yes and no, with the operative word being "just"! Group hypnosis can be lots of fun, but, we also see powerful inner work done in the group setting. And this is sometimes because it's done in group and sometimes in spite of being done in group! It's definitely a mixed bag!

What is going on astrologically is then described in relation to the meeting's topic or the particular day/date. This is followed by a discussion about her comments and the current topic. We then have a written exercise for everyone to do, then finish up with the group hypnosis. It is at this time that I offer suggestions requested by participants or implied by the topic itself. We close the group with a post-hypnosis discussion. The program lasts 90 minutes. (*We actually offer the same program twice a month; once on a Tuesday evening, the other on a Saturday morning).

If you are wondering about how personally pertinent general astrological information can be, Martha offers the following as an example: "'The sign of the times': As we move closer to the new century 'The Age of Aquarius' is demanding a collective consciousness of working together, as a group, to remedy problems we have created personally, sociologically and spiritually.

On a personal level, it is becoming increasingly imperative that we release our need for personal gain and widen our vision to include our part in creating a new life, one in which we all can live on this earth with renewed reassurance of a future." You can integrate these insights on a personal level as you appreciate things from your own personal viewpoint.

From Gaye's perspective, your willingness to go into trance and accept hypnotic suggestions in a group setting is based on a number of factors, for instance: your degree of comfort in a group, your openness to suggestions in general and about the topic specifically, how practiced you are at relaxing and entering into hypnosis, what' s gone on during your day and so on. Some people respond favorably to a "group energy" while others may be inhibited by it. It usually takes trying it to find out how you feel about it.

Based on what our group members have said, there are several reasons that the group format is "the way to go": It is a wonderful way to try hypnosis, to meet like-minded people, to learn about yourself and to have some grown-up fun! Attendance is open; you may come once or on an on-going basis, it's up to you and what your goals are. All belief systems are welcome as all judgments are left at the door! We put this group out there as an opportunity for you to explore topics and yourselves, and, hopefully, to learn and grow as a result. We look forward to meeting you and having you become a part of our group. See you next time!

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