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Hypnosis: A "Meeting Of The Minds"
by Gaye Wilson, RN, MSN, CCHT

How can it be that, despite strong desire and the best of intentions, we sabotage our own attempts to change undesirable habits? Why can't we make the decision to eat less, exercise more, or save money -- and then actually do it? What happens? What is at work when we fail to follow through?

Many believe that our subconscious mind is the culprit. Experts who study the human mind are generally in agreement that in a battle between the conscious and unconscious mind the subconscious mind will win. Therefore, if our subconscious mind has its own "reasons" for overeating, rejecting physical activity or spending every penny that comes our way, we are unable to simply make a conscious decision to affect these behaviors. Our subconscious mind will rebel, resist and ultimately overcome our conscious efforts to change the behavior in question. Charles Tebbetts, author of Self Hypnosis and other Mind-Expanding Techniques (1987 Westwood Publishing Company, Inc.), writes, "Your conscious mind is the mind of choice, but your subconscious mind is the mind of preference. You choose what you prefer. If you prefer to do something that is detrimental to your health and happiness, your subconscious mind always has ways to rationalize this behavior." You can find Mr. Tebbetts' book at Amazon. Just click "Search" below.

These positions being so in the mind, it is clear we can use hypnosis -- a process that provides direct access to the subconscious -- to decrease or even eliminate the resistance to the desired change. During hypnosis, it can often be discovered why the subconscious mind is blocking the conscious mind's choice. Then we are able to reframe a perception, loosen an attachment, or fulfill an unfulfilled need by gaining the subconscious mind's cooperation.

For instance, a compulsive eater may discover during hypnosis that her or his over-consumption of food is due to the subconscious mind's imprinted memory of a childhood deprivation of food or other necessities. Once the root of the subconscious mind's preference is uncovered, the gentle suggestion that healthy abundance exists gives the subconscious mind a new perspective.

If you've struggled with issues such as weight loss, smoking cessation, or compulsive spending, hypnosis may be the key to a fresh perspective and success in attaining your goals. Hypnosis can show you how to gain the cooperation of your subconscious mind. You will see, feel, and experience the difference.

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